The second scenario is to create a class and assign username and passwords to the students. The benefit of this is having the ability to quickly assign and have the assignment appear in the students' accounts. It also would allow for a student to start an assignment, leave for the day, and then relog into the assignment and finish at a later time.
Both ways will track data for the teacher that gives the assignment. Assignments are automatically graded outside of the open ended, which the teacher will go in and self grade. Teachers can create their own questions and own assignments aligned with the curriculum that they are working on.
Why do online assessments and assignments? Edcite allows the students to have experiences with the different questioning styles that they will experience in the SBAC. For example, open ended, drag and drop, make a line on a grid, etc... The more online reading and writing opportunities students are given the opportunity to do, the less "lack of tech experience" will impact their performance when they are assessed in the spring. Free and usable from Kinder to 12th grade, this resource is well worth your time!
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