Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Chatterpix : Make In-Animate Objects Come To Life

Chatterpix is a very simple to use free iPad or iPhone app where you to take a picture of an object,
Draw on a mouth,

Add a recording, up to 30 seconds max,

Place on some bling, like glasses, hats, or a tie,

Then share the final video.

One nice feature that makes this app appealing with a classroom of students is you can share to your camera roll, or via email, thus no social media accounts necessary.

There are two versions of Chatterpix.  The original version contains bling choices that include a martini glass or a beer mug.  There is a Chatterpix Kids option with slight differences, like no alcoholic drink blings, and only allows sharing into your camera roll.

All your completed Pix are stored in the gallery, which will allow you to go in and edit any previously saved Pix.  This is perfect if you want to create a conversation between two objects. Go into a saved Pix and re-record a new message into another short video clip, saving time from remaking the character all over again.  Then use a video editor to stitch all your video clips into a conversation.

A great creativity app for all students, and adults, as I'm hooked.

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